Menopause is a time of change in which no stone is left unturned. Woman can experience some health problems which affect both physical and mental well-being. But this is not an unchangeable fate. It is quite possible to enjoy this phase of life as much as possible, and a few simple measures can be very helpful.
Try to Identify Those Factors That Affect Your Libido
For many women, menopause leads to a decrease in sexual desire. A number of different factors are responsible, such as fluctuating hormones and other health problems such as depression, anxiety, bladder disorders or the use of certain medications. In addition, stress can have negative impact on your sex life. According to research, women are two to three times more likely to suffer from a lack of libido than men. Whatever the cause, it’s important to talk to your doctor to find a solution.
Some medications may need to be changed or re-dosed. Hormone therapy can also be helpful to correct a hormonal imbalance and effectively treat menopausal symptoms. During menopause, the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner. The vagina produces less moisture, which can lead to painful intercourse. Lubricants can help to provide more moisture to make sex more comfortable.
Boost Sexual Desire
Although it’s not easy to regain a lack of libido, there are some measures that can help to boost your sex drive. Above all, couples should take time for each other to escape from the hectic pace of everyday life. A weekend trip, a weekly date for two, or a shared hobby can strengthen the bond and provide more intimacy. It can also be helpful to leave familiar territory and try new things instead. Our brain controls our sex drive. It is therefore important to focus on variety. Unfamiliar places, role-playing games or new positions can make sex life more exciting and light the fire in the bedroom. The foreplay should not be neglected either. As you get older, it can take a little longer for certain parts of the body to react. Couples should take enough time to cuddle and kiss, before they really get down to business. Fooling around is crucial to bring more ease back into intimate life.
In addition, there are certain foods that act as aphrodisiacs and help to increase sexual desire. These include bananas, which are involved in the production of testosterone, one of the hormones needed to increase sexual desire. Dark chocolate contains high levels of phenylethylamine, which induces a feeling of arousal, thereby stimulating libido and helping to increase your sex drive. Pomegranates are rich in antioxidants that stimulate blood flow to the genitals. Androstenol, a substance found in truffles, is also a sexual active ingredient. Ginger and oysters should also be part of your diet, as they have a libido-boosting effect. And don’t forget the seasoning. Nutmeg contains myristicin, a substance that stimulates the libido.
Maca, the Andean plant, has long been used for its ability to increase libido in both men and women. One study found that subjects who took maca for 12 weeks experienced increased sexual desire at the end of the study. There are other studies like this, Maca seems to work equally well in men and women. The plant is especially helpful if your low libido is caused by antidepressants or a hormone imbalance.
Also, do not forget about vitamin B. Niacin improves blood circulation throughout the body, which has a significant impact on sexual function. In women, increased blood flow from niacin enhances vaginal moisture, sensitivity and response to stimulation.
Focus on Excercises
Exercise is important for health and increases well-being. In addition, body feeling improves and self-confidence increases. During menopause, many bodily processes slow down and hormones change gradually. Regular training not only sheds excess fat, it also builds muscle. Not only does exercise initiate the release of hormones that affect metabolism, muscle mass and mood, it also influences how your body uses stored fat for energy and helps improve insulin response, which is crucial for maintaining healthy levels of hormones like testosterone. Already half an hour of exercise per day is helpful to keep the body active. It doesn’t matter whether it’s walking, running, light weight lifting or aerobics:
if you stay fit, not only your health benefits, you’re also ensuring that your body releases endorphins, important happy hormones! Exercise also reduces the risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cognitive decline. According to research, it seems that regular exercise plays a role in preventing breast cancer. Specifically, studies have found that exercise and weight management are the most important lifestyle factors in preventing breast cancer recurrence among those who have had it in the past. But how much exercise is good and what is too much? Experts recommend 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week.
Go For a Healthy Diet
With the help of a balanced diet, the body can be improved from the inside out. Instead of too much sugar, meat, alcohol and refined carbohydrates such as white bread and pasta, high-fat fish and isoflavones, plant estrogens, should be consumed, which are found in foods such as soy, legumes, dried fruit, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as various types of vegetables and maca. Your daily diet also affects your hormone levels. Certain foods have the potential to regulate hormones. These include proteins, omega-3 fatty acids and foods from the vitamin B group. A healthy gut flora is essential for good health and normal hormonal balance. Therefore, probiotics and prebiotics should not be missing from your menu. Seventeen clinical studies have examined this type of diet in menopausal women. The research showed that women who followed such a diet suffered less from symptoms such as hot flashes and generally felt better.
Change Your Look
The body changes during menopause. However, instead of despairing at the loss of that youthful body, embrace the new look and bring out the best in yourself. A first effective step can be to renew your own wardrobe and to sort out old items that have not been worn for ages or that no longer fit. New clothes can boost self-confidence and make you feel sexy and attractive again. A new hairstyle can also work wonders. Anyone who wears the same hair color forever should dare to change it or at least try a different cut to create a new look. All of these changes can have a positive impact on your well-being.
Take a Break
It’s important to put yourself first every now and then. A certain amount of selfishness is healthy. Anyone who constantly follows only everyday obligations and never takes time for themselves will suffer sooner or later. Therefore, you should always pause and take a little break from time to time to devote yourself to the beautiful things in life. Pursuing activities that are fun raises your attitude towards life and helps you to rediscover yourself.
It is also extremely helpful to focus on the positive aspects of aging and to embrace change. After all, menopause marks a whole new stage in life. Raising children is usually a part of the past, retirement is already in sight, and there is much more time to do all the things you always wanted to do. This time is just as valuable as any other in life, so we should celebrate it properly.