Links Discovered Between Post-Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Breast Cancer Risk
Postmenopausal women who are given a certain type of hormone therapy have been found by the Women’s Health Initiative to experience an increased risk read more
Mastering life’s turning points with chronobiology
Postmenopausal women who are given a certain type of hormone therapy have been found by the Women’s Health Initiative to experience an increased risk read more
Life begins at 40. This is a favorite saying among women who have finished raising and educating their kids and are now ready to start enjoying life read more
Early menopause can be an indicator of future heart health. In fact, according to recent Johns Hopkins studies, premature menopause is a good read more
Menopause is a time when the female body's fertility starts to decline. This happens when a woman stops getting her monthly periods, but can only be read more
The distinction between estrogen (the hormone estriol) and menopause Estrogens are essential hormones that are found mainly in females whose main read more
A lack of certain hormones brought about by conditions of aging may lead to heart disease in both men and women. As people grow older, natural and read more