What Role Do Mutant Proteins Play in Some of the Deadliest Cancers?
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their collaborators have discovered a new way that RAS-genes, which are often mutated in read more
Mastering life’s turning points with chronobiology
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and their collaborators have discovered a new way that RAS-genes, which are often mutated in read more
A treatment paradox has recently emerged for prostate cancer: Blocking testosterone production halts tumor growth in the early stages of the disease, read more
New research has discovered four genes with some of the largest effects on the timing of menopause known to date, and provided new insights into the read more
Researchers at the Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University want to better understand why many men with prostate cancer develop AD, and read more
New research has found that manuka honey could potentially be an alternative, natural option for the prevention and treatment of breast cancer - read more
Plant-based flavonoids, found in fruits, leaves and vegetables, have attracted much attention for their positive health effects in various diseases. read more