Decreased production of an important hormone could have an adverse impact on several bodily systems vital to a man’s well-being.
Diminished levels of testosterone, also known as “low T,” could bring about serious health consequences for men who fail to recognize or seek treatment for its symptoms. This brief article discusses both common and uncommon manifestations of low T, including potentially mobility-limiting and/or life-threatening symptoms, as well as the steps that can be taken to alleviate or possibly eliminate them.
More Common Symptoms
Testosterone is widely known as the primary sex hormone secreted by various organs and glands inside the male body. What is also common knowledge is the fact the substance precipitates the growth of a man’s sex organs, stimulates his libido and sexual appetite, in addition to fostering his strength and endurance levels. When a man lacks the hormone, he will likely experience problems such as fatigue, weakness, weight loss, mood disturbances and sexual performance issues. What is not as uniformly understood is that low concentrations of testosterone may elicit more bothersome—if not dangerous and potentially life-threatening—side effects.
The More Serious Manifestations of Low T
Bone Problems
Lower levels of testosterone can have a significantly negative impact on a man’s bone health. The hormone is believed to help maintain the strength and size of the bones. Undiagnosed diminished levels of testosterone increase a man’s risk of developing osteoporosis, a disease categorized by weakened bones that fail to regenerate. Should this condition persist, a man will become susceptible to fractures, which could result in pain and, quite possibly, extended periods of disability and/or immobility.
Heart Health
Depleted levels of testosterone could be detrimental to the health of a man’s heart. Lack of the chemical often results in the accumulation of fat on a man’s body. In turn, fat causes excessive weight gain. For aging men (whom typically most experience “andropause,” another term for low testosterone), increased weight can greatly escalate their chances of developing afflictions such as high blood pressure and high concentrations of cholesterol which, if left undetected and untreated, may precipitate heart attacks, strokes and other cardiovascular problems.
Brain Health
Psychological issues can also result from depleted levels of testosterone. Men experiencing andropause often report feeling depressed, anxious and not as mentally alert as they were before the onset of the condition.
What Steps Can be Taken to Combat Low Testosterone?
Engage In a Healthier Lifestyle
Counteracting certain manifestations of diminished testosterone levels can be as simple as committing oneself to adopting healthier lifestyle practices. Exercising, consuming a balanced diet and monitoring critical health statistics like blood pressure readings and cholesterol levels can reduce the risk of developing bone and heart-related illnesses.
Utilize Testosterone Stimulating Products or Undergo Hormone Replacement Therapy
In instances where testosterone levels are significantly low and/or producing numerous symptoms, a man might consider the use of medications to build hormone levels up once again. This undertaking can be accomplished through the ingestion of natural supplements believed to foster testosterone production or hormone replacement therapy typically administered by injection. While these methods have proven effective in some cases, it is advisable for a man to speak with his doctor to decide if his particular circumstances would best benefit from this form of treatment.