Type-2 Diabetes and Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Some women in perimenopause or menopause have type 2 diabetes, which is linked to heart disease risk. Some people believe HRT also has the same read more
Timing HRT Is Key for Menopause Treatment
Hormone replacement therapy is a treatment that may help to improve menopause symptoms. Timing the administration of hormone replacement therapy might read more
Implanted Hormone Pellets, the Newest HRT to Combat Aging
Hormone-replacement therapy is commonly used to help alleviate menopause and andropause symptoms. However, a relatively new form of read more
Higher Cholesterol Levels a Result of Menopause
Women across the world will one day undergo menopause. While the experience can be unpleasant, a recent study also showed it might increase bad read more
Hormone Therapy For Sarcoma Treatment
Hormone therapy may prove effective in treating a serious and potentially life-threatening illness known as sarcoma. Hormones can impact sarcoma, but read more